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AGS-101 LCD Preparation Guide

AGS-101 LCD Preparation Guide


Table of Contents

  • Change Log
  • Introduction
  • Preparation Guide

Change Log

[0.3.3] - 2019-04-15

[0.3.2] - 2018-08-24

  • Added temporary information on installation with ribbon with switch

[0.3.1] - 2018-06-15

  • Added sleep mode information

[0.3.0] - 2018-03-27

  • Simple installation rewrite.
  • Rough basic rewrite of basic steps.
  • New pictures, some missing

Instructions for ribbon with switch soon to come.

[0.2.0] - 2017-05-16

  • Complete rewrite
  • Steps per ribbon types
  • New pictures

[0.1.0] - 2017-02-15 [YANKED]

  • Initial release


The following tutorial will guide you through the steps to prepare an AGS-101 LCD for various modifications.

We assume you have basic soldering skills, that you know how to clean surfaces before soldering and that you already know how to do an AGB-101 mod. This guide will only instruct you on how to integrate the voltage regulator in your mod.

NOTE: that the information given here is provided to the best of our knowledge at the moment of writing and could change over time. Anything you might do is at your own risk and we can't be held responsible if things turns out bad on your end. Attempt at your own risk.

LCD Preparation

At the back of the AGS-101 LCD, there are 2 ribbons soldered to each other, the topmost powers the backlight. The following steps will explain how to isolate it without permanently damaging yout AGS-101 LCD.

  1. Carefully unsolder the top ribbon from the one below.
  2. Remove any excess solder from each of the 4 exposed pads, they need to be as flat as possible.
  3. While still in it's original position, apply a piece of tape over the bottom ribbon, covering it completely and firmly holding it in place.
  4. Position the top ribbon back in place, over the bottom ribbon and apply a piece of tape over the top ribbon so that the whole area is covered and held in place properly.
  5. Carefully carve a hole on the topmost tape to reveal the solder pads from the top ribbon.
  6. Your end-result should look like this:


Previous article Gameboy Advance Rechargeable Battery Pack Installation Guide
Next article AGS-101 to GBA ribbons guide (32pins, 40pins, Variable Brightness)


Edwin Ruiter - November 9, 2017

Works like a charm. Had the ribbon with the switch and only difficult part was getting the resistor on the switch. It is so tiny!

Also this guide is really helpful! Thanks for that.

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